Saturday, November 7, 2015

Blessing Upon Blessing

Tuesday I was up before Kate arrived. *Wink* She was so cheerful all day, but decided she wanted me to hold her, a lot. But she didn't just want to be held, she wanted me to work, while I held her. I'm sure all the moms understand even better than I do, but I'm getting to where, whenever she is here, doing stuff with two hands seems too easy. Or maybe that's just me. 

So we had lots of quality snuggles and my arms got a really good workout. 

Baby tips: 

"Lady Rides" is a perfect thing to do with one year olds. And you will get a really good workout. If you finish the song and the child proceeds to bounce on your legs, that means do it again. This could continue for up to 20 rounds.

Also, baby drool is 100% sanitary. Probably. 

That night we had small group at our house. Actually we had "group" at our house. Having 32 people over (which equals close to half our church) is not really small... 

My favorite color is sunset. 

Wednesday morning Ava and I babysat for Nana's Bible study. We had 5 children 5 years and below and then 3 babies. It was so fun! The more the merrier, in most cases. By the end I think Ava was not liking babysitting quite so much anymore, but I love it all the more. Without the bumps and tears and tiredness it's not real life. 

In the afternoon a couple of elders from our church and Grandfather (who is an elder in their church) came over to pray for Gabe (who had strep throat) and Mom and Dad (who have been, obviously, having some health issues- not sleeping, blacking out while driving, etc). 

They talked with Gabe a little and then prayed over him. 

The whole time they were here was anointed with prayer, throughout the conversation and the actual prayer time. We were so incredibly blessed by them coming all the way out to us. It was a very special, God-ordained afternoon. 

Thursday morning I had coffee and study time with my friend again. 

Dad and Chloe left early afternoon to go to Costco and then to the doctor for Dad to have a heart monitor thingy put on for the next 24 hours. 

I drove Christian and myself to Speech and Debate club and Dad dropped Chloe off. Gramma came to watch us this week and it was really fun to have her there! 

Christian has continued to work on his persuasive speech and Chloe and I on our duo. Our first tournament is coming up so it's time to finish fine-tuning everything. 

During the middle of speech time we were all moved down to the church basement while a tornado blew over the area. Then we resumed activity. 

Chloe and Christian got to debate our friends who are brothers, that night. Those brothers had just been to a tournament and got second place! We were super excited for them, and I was thrilled to get to watch my siblings go against them. Everyone did a great job and Chloe and Christian got great feedback. 

During debate time Mom and the littles were in the closet at home waiting out a tornado warning. (Dad was still en route.) Thankfully they just had hail, rain, and lightning. And praise the Lord, our roof survived!! 

Before the storm.

Only took me three weeks... 

Friday morning Mom and the littles had "coffee school." 

I left pretty early to go to my nanny job and then after that to babysit for a family in our church. It was one of those days that I kind of forgot about food. But everything with the kids went really well. 

The little girl I nanny for took a four hour nap which was awesome! 

Then the other family with 5 boys and 1 girl were super good for me. Minimal tears and lots of energy. I did not fall asleep on the couch.

It was 11:30 pm by the time I got home. I was so grateful that it was not raining. 

That moment when...

You watch two 18 month old twins happily playing together and think "so this is what having twins is like."

You get to change one child's diaper while holding another child.

You are holding two wailing babies and think "so this is what having twins is like."

You and your sister finish babysitting 8 children and you leave with tears and drool and...other wet substances...all over your shirt. 

You finally realize what the expression 'waste not want not' means,

You're so tired everything is beyond funny.

A random older gentleman comes over to tell you and your friend that you both have beautiful hair.

The Herd: Quoted 

"Your hair is too long. You are almost sitting on it!" -Gabe to me 

"So that guy I just met next door is single..." -Mom to me 

"I don't want North Korea to do anything, we are debating about Taiwan." -Christian during cross examination in debate  

"...And I never started the timer." -Christian mid-debate speech 

"I'm so hungry I could eat a bear!" -Gabe at breakfast  
"Well, we are out of bears, but let's see what we can find." -Dad

"I sat in the tree blind and froze my patootie off." -Christian  
"Aww I liked you patootie... Will it grow back?" -Mom 

"I was thinking we might schedule a pregnancy massage for 'so and so'." -Mom
"I'm happy to get one too. A massage, not a pregnancy one, that is not one of my current conditions." -Dad
"Dad, you are really doing well at being funny these days!" -Me 

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