Saturday, June 20, 2015

Screaming Chickfila Movies (please insert commas)

Whew! So Thursday I went to work and the others went to Six Flags and If you read the other posts you know all about that. If you didn't go read them, if you want to. Obviously you don't have to, I just thought I'd lay out the options. 

Friday *long pause to breathe* Dad worked and had meetings. I worked and only had one child to care for. The afternoon's plans were up for discussion for a long time before they finally were determined. 

Gabe is spending the weekend with his awesome Aunt Lauren and Uncle Phil for his birthday gift from them. (He will tell you all about it when he gets home. Every. Detail. That's how he does it.) 

The rest of us kids left at 3:15pm, plus 10 minutes, minus 4-6 minutes. (Somewhere in there) Our first stop was gas so Christian could show me how it's done, because I failed at getting it on my own earlier in the day. (Yes, I know, I should know how to get gas by now. Turns out I had reason to think it didn't look right when I was doing it alone and he got to show me the right way, so now I will be fine. And I had plenty of gas still so there was nothing to worry about.) 

Don't worry, the rest of the afternoon and evening were a lot more exciting than getting gas for the first time without an adult. 

Our mall in Denton has a dollar theater and it finally got the new "Cinderella"! We all saw it in the real theater when it came out, but I loved it so much I definitely wanted to see it again. Chloe, Mia, and I got tickets for that, while Christian and Ava went to see "Home." Of course, right after we bought the tickets Mia changed her mind and said she wanted to see "Home," but it was too late. 

I haven't seen "Home" so I personally don't have a recommendation for it, but my siblings who have seen it all enjoyed it, so have at it! "Cinderella," on the other hand I personally for sure recommend! It is so beautifully done and I love every minute. 

Our movies were over by about 6:30pm and it was off to dinner we went. If you had just one guess as to where we ate you'd probably nail in on the first try. *Drum roll please* Ding ding ding! Chickfila. 

As usual we shared everything. Although we had *gasp* three large drinks (we never get that much) I think we maybe finished the equivalent of one soda between the five of us. (Root Beer and Sprite were the drinks of choice.)

The final stop before home was Target. I was getting rather worn out, so I paired the others up and went to shop by myself. (If you have ever been responsible for that may people out in public for several hours you will understand how I felt. The rest of you, go try it…or just use your imagination. The latter would definitely most likely not be as much fun, but it would be a lot easier…)

I think we arrived home about 8:30pm. Mom and Dad said they had had a productive time at home and were glad we'd enjoyed ourselves. 

I slept 11 hours straight that night. 

The Herd: Quoted

"Y'all are making me scream way too much today." -Me
"What's wrong with that?" -Christian 

"I would have screamed because it would have scared me!' -Me 
"Well apparently someone opening their eyes even scared you so" -Dad reminding me of the events of the morning.
*We laugh*
"Okay, I'm going to say 'Boo!' now… 'AHH!!'" -Dad mimicking me, because I scream even when someone warns me that I'm about to get startled.

"Why is he so big and older?" -Mia about our friend Noah whom she'd not seen in almost two years.
"Because he grew up!" -Me
"Did he finish school? And is he living at his own house? He isn't married is he?" -Mia 
"No! Not yet! He is just older." -Me

"I keep saying we should become a musical family, but mom always says 'no'." -Gabe

"You should just run a baby daycare out of our home, Lydia." -Mom

"I feel like we are passing drugs around every time we share our Root Beer." -Chloe 

"Hey, pull up your pants! You are wearing a belt for a reason and it's not just for a fashion statement." -Chloe to a random guy on the street that we passed while driving. 

"Oh no, I didn't come to Target all by myself, I brought four children with me." -Me

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